C3 Slip

I.M.R. Employment Questionnaire

Candidate Name:

Section 2 Multiple Choice

In each of the following scenarios, indicate your chosen reponse. Tick one only. Remember that there is no single 'correct' answer; this test will simply be used to gauge your suitability for different roles.Time is a factor. Be prompt.

Scenario One: One.

You have been working dispatch for eleven hours, with a single assistant. No one else has been cleared for the information you are working with. Active combat reports are starting to come in faster than you can process them.

A. Awaken your superior, and get their advice

B. Keep working as best you can

C. Order combat units to supress their routine reports

D. Get help from someone not cleared for operations

Scenario One: Two.

There is a surprise attack behind your lines. What is your first action. (You have only seconds in which to react)

A. Hit the alarm button

B. Stop and think

C. Order your troops to return to base

D. Order the troops to act on their own initiative

Scenario One: Three.

And what are your longer term acts?

A. Work out what else intelligence missed

B. Get the troops to safety

C. Suppress the attack

D. Notify superiors and get new orders








Scenario Two: One.

You are part of a delivery convoy, giving armed support through hostile territory. The convoy is stopped by a burnt out truck ahead. Your first priority?

A. Explain the situation to the civilians

B. Get out sentries and secure the area

C. Work out a new route

D. Back out of the area

Scenario Two: Two.

Tired from the long journey, you have to stop for a rest break. Still in hostile territory, you secure the area. Your first priority:

A. Set up fire zones and sniping positions

B. Examine hiding places

C. Call in a preparatory bombardment

D. Announce your presence and demand any opposition surrenders

Scenario Two: Three

One of your troopers is shot, whilst still securing the danger zone. You can hear their screams. Priority:

A. Continue making the area safe

B. Destroy that shooter

C. Rescue the downed man

D. Withdraw to a safer position and re-assess


























Scenario Three: One

You are in a populated, orange flag (no free-fire zone) area. You are driving a VIP in an unarmoured vehicle.

He orders you to commit a minor traffic violation.

A. Ask him if he is sure, then do it

B. Do it immediately

C. Refuse

D. Refuse, and then report the incident

Scenario Three: Two

He orders you to commit a dangerous act (such as driving the wrong way down a major road) He sounds very scared, but you know he is over-tired.

A. Ask him if he is sure, then do it

B. Do it immediately

C. Refuse

D. Refuse, and then report the incident

Scenario Three: Three

He orders you to open fire upon a car which may have been tailing you. It is broad daylight.

A. Ask him if he is sure, then do it

B. Do it immediately

C. Refuse

D. Refuse, and then report the incident

Scenario Three: Four

Another car opens fire on you. Your passenger has been hit and is silent. Previously, he was asking you to kill them. Priority:

A. Get the VIP to hospital

B. Evade pursuit

C. Shoot back

D. Report the situation









Scenario Four: One.

You are setting up a command post for a surveillance action, with the possibility of a short conflict. Prioritise:

A. Defence above Usability above (In)Visibility

B. Hidden above Defence above Usability

C. Hidden then Usable

D. Usable, then Defence

Scenario Four: Two

you have a team of six. Arrange the shifts for 24hour coverage.

A. Three shifts of two

B. Two shifts of three

C. 4/2 split, rotating the night duty

D. Split surveillance and action rest the action team

Scenario Four: Three

You raid the place whilst it is empty. Prioritise:

A. Speed

B. Stealth

C. Remaining undetected after the fact

D. Thoroughness

Scenario Four: Four

There was someone inside who you'd never seen enter or leave! He's reaching for something in his coat.

A. Stay safe - Shoot him

B. The op is blown Get out.

C. You outnumber him try to talk him down

D. Take him prisoner without shooting

Scenario Four: Five

You have to pull out in a hurry.

A. Dismantle the operation post first

B. Trash the operation post

C. Get out, don't go near it again

D. Pull back to the op post, see if they attack it or not

Scenario Five: One

You must deputise some local civilians for a long-running, possibly dangerous, mission. Do you look first for:

A. Ability

B. Loyalty

C. Communication skills

D. Willingness to die

Scenario Five: Two

You set up an obstacle course for them. What scores highest?

A. Endurance

B. Speed

C. Strength

D. Weapons use

Scenario Five: Three

Your chosen recruit has a favoured weapon, which you know is a poor choice for this mission.

A. Let him use it

B. Tell him the official gun is better, but leave the choice to him

C. Ask him to use the official gun, but don't press the issue

D. Tell him to use the issued weaponry or to get out

Scenario Five: Four

Your favoured mode of transport, with a civilian along

A. Helicopter

B. Jeep

C. Tank

D. Boat

Scenario Five: Five

I like ticking boxes

A. Yes

B. Yes

C. Yes

D. Yes